
Posts Tagged ‘theatres’


cito wonderboom song

I don’t know the band…“Wonderboom” but it seems to me that they are doing great from what I’ve read on the internet about them. Cito is part of the band…and you can read more about him…he’s also starring in the musical “Chess”… in South Africa. If you click HERE you can visit his “My Space” site.


In the role of Jesus Christ

Cito is singer, composer and producer. He was born in Los Angeles and grown up in New York, he has been influenced musically by his parents, and more specifically by his mother who was singing and played classic guitar.

From adolescent years, Cito studied music, composed and also was member in various groups, as the Heart and Soul, Moonchild and 8 Legged Groove Machine.

From 1996 he was the basic singer in the successful rock group of South Africa, the Wonderboom.

In his own recording studio, Cito makes productions, composes and also records various projects, while he has worked with various artists as Karin Zoid, Tamara Dey, Craig Harris and Paul E Flynn. His role as Jesus Christ in the Jesus Christ Superstar constitutes the debut of Cito in theatrical musical. His astonishing voice and the awe that he causes on scene get paid with the warmest clap.

Please click HERE to view the source.

Another article…

From crucifixion to checkmate
April 1, 2008
By Therese Owen

Cito’s first introduction to theatre was through Jesus Christ. To many a trained actor and singer, the role of Jesus Christ (in Jesus Christ Superstar) would be daunting.

But Cito, who had never acted before in his life, embraced the challenge. By the time the musical toured Greece and Korea, where they played to 4 000 people a night, Cito had turned the role into his own. Since returning to South Africa he has continued with Wonderboom and has turned down every theatrical offer.

That is until Chess. He was offered the part of the chess master, Fredrickson, by all accounts an egotistical man. who turned the game reserved for nerds into rock star status. Fredrickson is based on the US chess icon, Bobby Fisher.

“The great thing about Chess The Musical is that everyone is flawed and there is no happy ending,” says Cito. “It’s not a happy-go-lucky Broadway show, which is why I chose to be a part of it.”

Cito says he still puts his band, Wonderboom, first and, initially, the role conflicted with a planned tour. But Pieter Toerien was so eager to have him in the show that he moved it forward six weeks to accommodate Cito.

“This theatre thing is blooming for me. I could feel it in Greece and Korea. In Korea, people would throw babies at me. It’s intense. Luckily, I’ve been humbled by rock ‘n roll to know the difference between reality and fame.

“I’m also singing like a mother. I always knew I could sing . But when I look back at my early days of Jesus Christ Superstar I was petulant. I felt like I was in standard six all over again.”

Like all good artists, Cito saw the opportunity as a way to improve his craft. “I don’t come across as a well-trained actor, but I think that gives me an edge.

“With this role I really have to embrace being an asshole with real swank. When it comes to Chess it’s a discipline. I have had to unlearn that stuff from Wonderboom. After all, that started off as a joke.”

Wonderboom has always used humour and parody in their music and their live performances to great effect.

“Acting is not pretending. It’s about finding that other person, becoming that other person. Right now, I still wanna be Jesus. I still wanna be a nice guy.

“Fredrickson has confidence. He was revolutionary and had a highly passionate sexual relationship with his woman.”

He says the sexual aspect of his character gave him some difficulty. In one of the opening scenes his character walks into the scene and immediately goes up to a female, grabs her and brazenly kisses her.

“I’m not about that kind of misogynistic behaviour,” he says shyly. “But the director said just do it and I just did it. Everything is a learning curve.”

Source: HERE

Buy your tickets HERE for this musical in SA…

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