
Archive for the ‘Eva Cassidy’ Category

Fields of Gold
Wade in the Water
Autumn Leaves
Wayfaring Stranger
Time Is A Healer
I Know You By Heart
People Get Ready
Oh, Had I A Golden Thread
Over the Rainbow

This is one of my favourite CD’s in my collection. You can read about Eva here and on the link at the bottom of the post, it’s sad to know that she died of cancer.  I enjoy “Songbird” the most and my other favourite on this album is “Fields of Gold”, enjoy it here.

Eva Marie Cassidy was born on February 2nd, 1963. Music was introduced to Eva at an early age by her father, Hugh – who surrounded her with the voices of Pete Seeger, Buffy St. Marie and Ray Charles. He taught Eva how to play the guitar and she learned to accompany herself and her siblings (Anette, Margret and Dan) in a family music group.

As a teenager, Eva sang with friends in several bands and groomed her musical talents and performance skills. By the early 1990s she was doing studio work, performing with her friends – and then recorded “The Other Side” with Chuck Brown. Eva’s career turned a corner that would lead her to pursue more solo work. She developed a repertoire of “great” songs that inspired her, and would later be the reason we all remember her – not for songs she wrote, but for songs that she interpreted and made her own.

Eva’s voice was recorded at many of her performances at local Annapolis and Washington DC venues, and at studio sessions – little did we all know that this was a miracle. Eva’s young life was cut short on November 2, 1996, by cancer. She was surrounded by music her entire life – now she surrounds our lives with her music.

Order the cd from HERE or read more about her and her love for art here too…links at the bottom of the page once you’re on the site.

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