
Archive for the ‘monument’ Category

The Voortrekker Monument was built in 1938 to commemorate the Great Trek of 1838


Click on the above link and you will have the option for Afrikaans/English to read about the Monument. The link will open in a new window.



Read about the Tapestry….it’s worth seeing these Tapestries! They look like real scenes.

The “Afrikaanse Taal-en Kultuurvereniging” ATKV’s Woman and Mother Movement donated the Historical Tapestry to the Voortrekker Monument. Nine women worked for eight years to complete the fifteen scenes from the Great Trek. The Tapestry contains 3,3 million stitches. The artist W.H. Coetzer painted the scenes on the tapestry gauze for the women to embroider.

Update: June 2010 – as these tapestries are not anymore available on the site of the Voortrekkermonument, I’ve found a site where all 15 of them are and here are a few – you can follow the link at the bottom to view all the others.

See more on this link which will open in a new window: http://members.tripod.com/~meerkat_2/etapess.html

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