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My smekende gedagtes

Ek sak my hoof en oordink my vreugde
Ligsinnig verkrummel ek
die verdroogde blare
in my Afrika hand en ‘k laat
dit waai soos kaf in die wind
Dit smee my gedagtes mee
met die onrus in my hart
wat bly groei en bloei
Waarom verpletter ons die volke
van hierdie aarde?
Waar’s die regeerders
van hierdie wêreld?
Ken hul nie Sy toorn?
Offers bring en oë opslaan
uitroepe van “wees ons goedgesind!”
weerklink in my smekende gedagtes
Sal ons ooit die Tempel binnegaan?
Ek luister na my gedagtes in die mÔre
en laat die moordenaars en leuenaars
deur Hades swerwend dryf
hul ontmoet die gelag van Charon op Styx
Nooit sal hul die Elisiese veld bereik
NÓg betowerend; nÓg kan in delf
Hul egosentriese voorland:
Sál hul ag slaan op my geroep?

©Nikita 5 Julie 2008

Please click here for the RIVER STYX and have fun!

This poem…which I feel is basically just a few of my thoughts of how I feel about -not only about these killings/stabbings in London,-  but also about other parts of the world, especially South Africa…Zimbabwe…the lies of Mugabe and his scum…. and other leaders in this world…my thoughts make them rambling/drifting along the river Styx, not to reach the Elysian fields, but Thanatos! By this poem I don’t want those people to really die! as I think all people are good, but not what they do/say and then I ask  too…where are the leaders of this world!!…maybe the real leaders…and not the cowards.. Why are they not acting like they should, tighten the laws! and world leaders should take the lead in those Africa countries where there are chaos and where people are dying on a daily basis! Are we not suppose to care! So, co’mon “caring” leaders… show you really care! …PS: glad to see David Miliband – with his visit to South Africa – is asking the International Community to do something…but, hey…when are we going to see them reacting!

Hierdie getal het my koue rillings gegee toe ek dit vanaand sien…….net gedag dit pas by hierdie onaardse images hier…hehehe….dis nou vanaf Nov 2007…

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